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Dratni [ Heiler ]

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Dratni [ Heiler ] Empty Dratni [ Heiler ]

Post  Dratni Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:20 am

Username: nyte
Character Name: Dratni
Rank Desired: Heiler
Roleplay Sample: okay, so I may have went over board.

Dratni awoke to the sharp scent of the grass against her nose. The blades brushing her fur in the wind made her realize her shelter for that night had not held up through the strong winds that were blowing through the east. She stood up, slowly at first, as she was still trying to blink into conciousness. A noise caught her attention and she turned to look over her shoulder at a wild cat that was limping. Any other wolf would have taken this as an easy kill, but Dratni followed by one rule, one her mother had taught her. 'Never kill a top notch predator for your own food, or you may one day find yourself in the same situation'.

The limping cat was making its way past her when it noticed her. The cat hissed at her, crouching down into the bushes. Dratni frowned, "Hush child.." she said softly, not knowing if the cat could understand. Although she could see it was young. "Please.. do not fear me.. I can help you.." she told it. The cat's cautious eyes watching her as she slowly walked toward a pile of leaves next to her. She carried them around with her, in case she ever was hurt, or needed to help another. She nudged the leaves toward the cat, who looked at them, then at her before laying its fur flat. 'I wonder if cats have healers as well..' she thought to herself, 'Maybe thats how it knows I won't hurt it..'

After spending some time looking at the cats leg, she knew it was broken. But it was fresh enough to be fixed in time. Dratni gently layed down on her belly. She took a smallish stick in her mouth and bit down before nudging it toward the cat to do the same. Once the cat had the gag in its mouth, she reached her paws forward and counted to three before shifting the leg back in place. The muffled yowl from the cat still managed to flush some birds from their hiding spot. But it looked at her greatfully. Afterward, Dratni finished her work with a makeshift splint, held together with spiderwebs and mud. The cat smiled, and in a very raspy voice, it spoke to her. "Thank you, friend.."


Posts : 4
Epic Points : 2
Join date : 2012-07-24

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Dratni [ Heiler ] Empty Re: Dratni [ Heiler ]

Post  Arantxa Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:25 am

You're hired!


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Join date : 2012-07-23
Age : 29
Location : Texas


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Dratni [ Heiler ] Empty Re: Dratni [ Heiler ]

Post  Aldamir Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:26 am

I wish I could 'like' things. 8|


Posts : 4
Epic Points : 4
Join date : 2012-07-24
Age : 32
Location : Behind my computer. |:

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