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|:|Rules|:| Empty |:|Rules|:|

Post  Arantxa Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:26 am

|:|General Roleplay Rules|Neutral

  • Be literate at all times.

  • Respect your fellow roleplayers! If you have a problem with someone, take it up with them privately, don't announce it to the whole group. Or, if you can't solve it amongst yourselves, talk to the Kaiser or Kaiserin.

  • Do NOT start drama just for the sake of it. It's not appreciated at all, and will more than likely be ignored. [This includes pups randomly having something terrible happen to them]

  • If you insist on adding 'drama' to the roleplay, consult the Kaiser and Kaiserin and we will see if it is doable.

  • Please try to take turns during a roleplay session. Give everyone a chance to post, and finish their posts!

  • No insta-kills please. When fighting, rp it out to your best abilities. It not only looks good, but makes the fight easier to follow. And remember! You cannot kill a player's character unless given permission.

  • Do NOT start fights with the rival group for no reason. In fact, don't go into their territory unless given permission! If you do and you haven't been given the go-ahead, we have no say in what punishment is handed down onto your character.

|:|Rules on Mating|Neutral

  • Please let the Kaiser and Kaiserin know ahead of time if there is going to be a coupling between your character and another player's character. We ask that you roleplay your relationship out rather than just magically becoming a couple. This of course does not apply to the characters that are already mates when they join.

  • In the instance that you pull a Romeo and Juliet and mate with a rival wolf, after being reprimanded of course, your pups[if any are born] will be dispersed equally between ours and the rival's pack[If of course both packs agree to it]. If the number of pups born is an odd number, an even amount of pups will go with the mother while the rest will go with the father. For example: 3 pups are born, 2 are taken into their mother's pack, while the remaining one is given to the father's pack.

  • Please do not have a bajillion pups. Keep it realistic, if times are hard, you will have fewer pups than normal. If times are abundant, then of course you will have a healthy amount[After consulting with the Kaiser and Kaiserin as well as the rival group leaders].

Failure to follow these rules will end with you either being demoted to Letzte or banned from the group altogether depending on how severe your rule-breaking has been.

Whisper me the following if you read the rules: Percival


Posts : 11
Epic Points : 0
Join date : 2012-07-23
Age : 29
Location : Texas


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