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Skrit (Herzog)

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Skrit (Herzog) Empty Skrit (Herzog)

Post  Skrit Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:33 pm

Username: Tyto
Character Name: Skrit
Rank Desired: Herzog
Roleplay Sample:

The dark coated male inhaled the fresh mountain air. It has been a while since he has been in the mountains. To him it seemed as a century. The canine slowly moved ahead, his chest moving back and forth, back and forth as he breathed, with his odd light eyes observing the human-made path. Skrit slowly turned to his left, getting off the path. A encounter with a human wouldn't be good. Not after what they did to his parents.

The canine reached the top of the mountain and stopped, still gazing ahead. Pushing his haunches down the male sat on the cold rocky floor. The mountains were beautiful in the summer, not much snow, not too hot, not too cold, just perfect. The lupine liked being alone on a mountain, only the breeze, the smeels and the sounds with him. There he was alone and there the male could think about himself, his life and nothing else. The male lowered his eyelids, closing his white snake like eyes. The slow wind ruffled his fur as he sat there, just thinking.

Soon the male opened his eyes once more. 'I should probably go back to the pack' the wolf thought. He didn't want them to get worried. Skrit slowly lifted the back hind of his body and warily walked off, his gaze facing the trees below. He twitched his ears at every noise, hoping he wouldn't meet anyone. Especcialy not a human.

The male soon reached a near by lake. It was disgusting. He always remembered this lake. It was where he lived, where his family got killed and from where he ran away. A city was built near the lake soon after his family was shot. The once beautiful lake was now a garbage dump for the humans. It would be dangerous even drinking the water from that lake. The canine passed the lake and continued. After a while he was back at the camp, observing his fellow pack-mates.

The male was let to wonder, what would've happened if his family wasn't shot, if he wouldn't run away, if people never even egsisted. This place would be healthier and better, yet he would of never of joined this pack, if his parents wouldn't be shot, if he wouldn't run away, if man never egsisted. Skrit could just think of the things that would happene, if his family would never have died.


Posts : 5
Epic Points : 2
Join date : 2012-07-24

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