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|:|Ranks|:| Empty |:|Ranks|:|

Post  Arantxa Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:05 am

  • Kaiserin/Kaiser - The leaders of the pack. Tag: AK
Kaiserin: Arantxa[Itzel] || Kaiser: Aldamir[Zivv]

  • Prinz/Prinzessin - The children of the leaders. To be given this rank, you must be the children of the Kaiserin or Kaiser, biological or adopted. Tag: AP
Prinz: N/A || Prinzessin: N/A

  • Herzog/Herzogin - The leader's second in command. To earn this rank, you must have the Kaiserin and Kaiser's utmost trust and have proven yourself as good leaders in the Kaiserin and Kaiser's absence. Tag: AH
Herzog: N/A || Herzogin: N/A

  • Baron/Baronin - The leader's third in command. Just like the Herzog and Herzogin, to acquire this rank you must be trustworthy. Tag: AB
Baron: N/A || Baronin: N/A

  • Fryhest Krieger - First Warrior, they are in charge of the warriors. To earn this rank, you must prove yourself as being trustworthy and a good leader. You must set a good example for your understudies. Tag: AFk

Fryhest Krieger: Skrit[Tyto]

  • Fryhest Spyrhund - First Scout, they are in charge of the scouts. To earn this rank, you must prove yourself as being trustworthy and a good leader. You must set a good example for your understudies. Tag: AFs

  • Fryhest Jyger - First Hunter, they are in charge of the hunters. To earn this rank, you must prove yourself as being trustworthy and a good leader. You must set a good example for your understudies. Tag: AFj

  • Fryhest Kinderfrau - First Pup Caregiver, they oversee the other caregivers and are in charge of caring for the leader's children. To earn this rank you must be female and have had experience with pups, meaning you must have had children of your own.
    Tag: AFkf

  • Heiler - The rank of Healer. To be given this rank, you must show extraordinary skill in the ways of healing. This does not mean voodoo magic of course, but more like: If one has an upset stomach, one should eat this certain plant to ease the pain. Tag: Ah
Heiler: Dratni[nyte]

  • Krieger - The rank of Warrior. To be given this rank, you must be strong and capable of holding your own in a fight. Tag: Ak
Krieger: Hour Glass[Witching Hour] || Danarious[Absinthe] || Luthia[Lycia]

  • Spyrhund - The rank of Scout. To be given this rank you must be swift and light on your feet. Other requirements are exceptional eye sight and hearing. Tag: As
Spyrhund: Strike[Rin-sama] ||

  • Jyger - The rank of Hunter. To be given this rank, you must have a superb sense of smell and exceptional hearing. Tag: Aj

  • Kinderfrau- The rank of Pup Caregiver. To be given this rank you must be good with children and must also have an abundance of patience. Tag: Akf

  • Krieger/Spyrhund/Jyger/Kinderfrau 'Jr' - This a sort of 'trainee' rank given to teens. They are tested by each Fryhest to see which rank suits them best. Of course, if none of the given ranks are appropriate for the teen in question, the teen will then become a Letzte. Tag: Ak jr/As jr/Aj jr/Akf jr

  • Gyr - The rank of Pup. To be given this rank, you must of course be a pup. This rank lasts until the middle portion of your teen years, at around 5 months. Once you have reached that end point, you will be sorted into one of the 'Jr' ranks. Until then you will stay in the den unless chaperoned. Tag: Ag
Gyr: Chelsea[Jay_102] ||

  • Letzte - The rank of 'omega'. By default, if you for some reason do not fit into the other ranks, you will be labeled a Letzte. This isn't a bad thing, as the Kaiserin and Kaiser forbid outright harassment. You will, however, be the last to eat. Another thing to know about this rank is that those ranked with the Letzte title are to stay in the den at all times with the pups unless told otherwise. Tag: Al


Posts : 11
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Join date : 2012-07-23
Age : 29
Location : Texas


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